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Story Quests

"Tutorial" (Lv.1)

"Tutorial" Quest NPC Tangysnout Location

This quest begins once you enter the game for the very first time.

Quest NPC


Quest Objective

Slay 10 Implings (Lv.1)

Quest Reward

300 Exp.

"Chapter I" Quest NPC Throckmorton Location

"Chapter I" (Lv.1+)

Quest NPC

Throckmorton in Stonehollow (Town).

Quest Objective

Slay 15 Dry Specklings (Lv.2)

Monster can be found in Stonehollow Outskirts just above Stonehollow (Town).

Quest Reward

350 Exp.

"Chapter II" quest introduction

"Chapter II" (Lv.1+)

Quest NPC

Talk to Arami inside the Adventurers' Guild in Stonehollow (Town).

Quest Objective

Slay 20 Squishy Crabbies (Lv.4)

Monster can be found in Whitespeckle Plains (East).

Quest Reward

390 Exp.

"Chapter III" (Lv.1+)

This Quest Begins right after the end of chapter II

Quest NPC

Talk to Arami inside the Adventurers' Guild in Stonehollow (Town).

Quest Objective

Talk to Roy in Roy & Leila's Shop in Stonehollow (Town).

"Chapter III" Shop Location

Quest Reward

  • 488 Exp
  • 10 Gold
  • 2 Bronze Shards.

"Chapter IV" (Lv.4+)

This Quest Begins Right after the end of Chapter III It is divided into 2 distinct parts, each with their own quest NPC

Part I:

Quest NPC

Talk to Arami inside the Adventurers' Guild in Stonehollow (Town).

"Chapter IV" Introduction

Quest Objective

Talk to Mako then talk to Katalyn who will give you your Part II quest

Part II:

Quest NPC

You Receive this Quest immediately after talking with Katalyn

Quest Objective

Slay 20 White Specks (Lv.6) until you find White Speck Fur 0/20 (Located in Whitespeckle Plains (West))

"Chapter IV" Katalyn's Quest Objective

After you acquire 20 White Speck Fur, return to the Stonehollow Adventurer's Guild and Speak with Katalyn

Quest Reward

  • 1114 EXP
  • 15 gold
  • 2 Bronze Shards

Side Quests

"Get off my forest!" (Lv.37)

Quest NPC

Quest Objective

Quest can be taken after achive 37 lvl and we have to talk with NPC Caliburnus in Caliburnus Mill.

To get there we have to teleport from Construction Side.

Quest Objective

Slay 50 Imps (Lv.20)

You will find them in Firefly Forest (West).

There are 4 Imps in first circle and 2 more

in the second one.

Quest Reward

11232 Exp

567 Gold

Bloodchrome Shard

Leth rune

"Once A Koward..." (Lv.50+)

Quest NPC Arthur Koward location

Quest NPC

To start the quest "Once A Koward...", you need to head to the Pyramid Entrance and talk to the NPC Arthur Koward. (The portal to the Pyramid Entrance is located in the town of Alcalaga.)

Quest Objective

Slay 41 Corpse Maggots (Lv.53)

You can find these maggots inside Am-Rawash's Tomb (Northwest) right next to the Pyramid Entrance. The spot to quickly complete the objective is inside a small room located straight after you enter the portal where there are 4 maggots slithering around.

Quest Reward

1577 Gold

2 pcs. Onyx Shard

19487 Exp.

"Smelly Gold" Quest NPC - Cheappockets

"Smelly Gold" (Lv.50+)

Quest NPC

Cheappockets can be found in Am-Rawash's Tomb (Northwest).

(Directions: Alcalaga (Town) >>> Pyramid Entrance >>> Am-Rawash's Tomb (Northwest))

Quest Objective

Slay 42 Ancient Bats (Lv.54)

Location: Am-Rawash's Tomb (Northwest)

Quest Reward

1577 Gold

1 pc. Onyx Shard

1 pc. Isgird Shard

19487 Exp.