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The fishing skill was added to Eterspire in build 34.0 and it is a feature still under development.

The Fishing skill in Eterspire allows players to catch various types of fish and crustaceans, which can be sold to any vendor. As players level up their fishing skill, they gain access to better fishing spots, that have more valuable fish and award more experience (EXP).

A helpful Fishing Guide can be found in the Progress & Milestones tab.

Getting Started

1. Obtaining Fishing Equipment: To start fishing, players must first head to the NPC Tania in Maple Woods (South). She will tell you everything you need to know about the skill, and she also sells all the available fishing equipment. Different types of tools are required for different fish and crustaceans. Some will also require bait, which is sold by Tania in stacks of 20.

2. Finding a Fishing Spot: Fishing spots are scattered across the world of Eterspire. Look for bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and coastal areas where fish are abundant.

3. Catching Fish: To start fishing, find a fishing node available to your skill level and make sure you have the required gear for it. When near a node, press the 'Fish' button, and you will automatically start using the correct equipment to catch fish repeatedly. there is a chance to catch a fish of your level each second you are casting your line, and you will only stop if you either move from the node or the node is depleted.


As of patch 34.0, there are three types of fishing tools and three different type of bait. They are all sold by Tania in Maple Woods (South).

The gear is not equipable, meaning you only need to have it in your inventory to be able to use it during fishing.

  • Fishing Net: 37 gold.
  • Lobster Pot: 351 gold.
  • Fishing Rod: 954 gold.
  • Fish Carcass (20): 7 gold.
  • Breadcrumbs (20): 10 gold.
  • Worms (20): 18 gold.

Note that bait it is not used in a 1:1 ratio for each fish that is caught while using it. There is a chance every time you catch a fish that one unit will be used from one of the stacks of bait in your inventory.

Fishes and Crustaceans



Level required to fish: 1.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Net.

Found in maps: Maple Woods (South), Stonehollow Outskirts.

Exp per catch: 10.

Sold for: 2.



Level required to fish: 5.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Net.

Found in maps: Maple Woods (South), Stonehollow Outskirts.

Exp per catch: 12.

Sold for: 3.



Level required to fish: 11.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Net.

Found in maps: Maple Woods (South), Stonehollow Outskirts.

Exp per catch: 14.

Sold for: 5.



Level required to fish: 13.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Rod.

Found in maps: Fishing Pier.

Exp per catch: 16.

Sold for: 6.



Level required to fish: 16.

Gear required to fish: Lobster Pot & Fish Carcass.

Found in maps: Forest Falls (North), Deserted Road.

Exp per catch: 17.

Sold for: 7.



Level required to fish: 21.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Rod & Breadcrumbs.

Found in maps: Peaceful Clearing, Forest Falls (South).

Exp per catch: 20.

Sold for: 10.



Level required to fish: 26.

Gear required to fish: Fishing Rod & Breadcrumbs.

Found in maps: Peaceful Clearing, Forest Falls (South).

Exp per catch: 24

Sold for: 13.



Level required to fish: 32.

Gear required to fish: Fishing rod & Worms.

Found in maps: Maple Woods (South), Firefly Corner.

Exp per catch: 30.

Sold for: 18.


Level required to fish: 37.


Gear required to fish: Lobster Pot.

Found in maps: Shroom Woodlands.

Exp per catch: 35.

Sold for: 23.



Level required to fish: 41.

Gear required to fish: Fishing rod & Worms.

Found in maps: Maple Woods (South), Firefly Corner.

Exp per catch: 41.

Sold for: 27.



Level required to fish: 50

Gear required to fish: Lobster Pot & Fish Carcass.

Found in maps: Forest Falls (North), Deserted Road.

Exp per catch: 55.

Sold for: 36.

Maps and Fishing Nodes

The map above shows all the known fishing locations and their respective requirements for level and gear.

Leveling Tips

Fishing in a party with other players on the same map reduces the cooldown between catches, allowing you to fish faster. During a Discord Ask the Devs! event, it was confirmed that the bonus is 10% gathering speed bonus for each party member that’s actively fishing in the same map you are.

As you level up in fishing, your chances of catching higher-level fish increase, while the likelihood of landing lower-level catches decreases. The game first attempts to give you the highest level fish available, and at a failed attempt at that, will proceed to the second-highest level fish that you can catch from that node.

The following table contains the total values of exp needed for each level.

Experience needed per level

1 to 20
1 0
2 100
3 117
4 154
5 175
6 198
7 249
8 278
9 307
10 376
11 413
12 452
13 541
14 589
15 638
16 753
17 813
18 949
19 1021
20 1181
21 to 40
21 1267
22 1358
23 1557
24 1776
25 1896
26 2150
27 2292
28 2586
29 2753
30 3092
31 3460
32 3677
33 4101
34 4560
35 5059
36 5365
37 5935
38 6552
39 7219
40 7939
41 to 60
41 8716
42 9554
43 10,457
44 11,430
45 12,478
46 13,605
47 14,817
48 16,119
49 18,005
50 19,535
51 21,177
52 23,512
53 25,432
54 27,489
55 30,367
56 33,476
57 36,081
58 39,660
59 43,519
60 46,795
61 to 80
61 51,227
62 55,998
63 61,134
64 66,658
65 72,597
66 78,980
67 87,118
68 94,550
69 102,526
70 112,583
71 121,840
72 133,430
73 145,909
74 159,339
75 173,786
76 189,318
77 206,012
78 223,944
79 243,201
80 266,408
81 to 100
81 291,396
82 315,472
83 344,250
84 375,195
85 408,457
86 444,193
87 486,228
88 527,626
89 576,104
90 628,243
91 661,786
92 697,106
93 734,298
94 773,461
95 814,700
96 858,124
97 903,850
98 952,000
99 1,002,701
100 1,056,090

Fishing Related Quests


Fishing for Compliments

The Fishing for Compliments! side quest was introduced in Patch 35.0 and is available for fishers of all skills. In this questline, you’ll dive into the world of fishing alongside Kast, Meela, and other members of the Fishing Institute of Stonehollow (also known as FISH). The adventure begins with a simple yet challenging task: catching and delivering 10 of each of the first four available fish species. You’ll travel across different regions to discover various fishing spots, each offering unique opportunities and rewards. These quests are designed to kickstart your fishing journey and familiarize you with the art of angling in the game.

Advancing far enough in the questline will unlock a new map, Fishing Pier, the heart of the fishing guild. Here, you'll meet the remaining members of the guild and gain access to even more fishing-related content and teasers.

Level Requirement:

  • Combat level: 10.
  • Fishing level: None.

To begin the quest, head to Maple Woods (South) and look for Kast, an NPC stationed near the portal to Forest Falls (South) and the pier. Kast will guide you through the early stages of your fishing adventure.


The quest steps are:

  1. Catch 10 silversides and deliver them to Kast.
  2. Meet up with Meela at the Stonehollow Outskirts.
  3. Catch 10 sardines and deliver them to Meela at the Stonehollow Outskirts.
  4. Meet up with Kast at the Maple Woods (South).
  5. Catch 10 herrings and deliver them to Kast at the Maple Woods (South).
    • Completing the previous step will unlock the Fishing Pier location.
  6. Meet up with Kast and Meela at the Fishing Pier.
  7. Catch 10 bass and deliver them to Kast at the Fishing Pier.


  • 3017 Combat EXP.
  • 104 gold.
  • 2x Steel Shards.
The Fishing Pier

The Fishing Pier is a dedicated fishing zone that becomes accessible as you progress through the fishing questline. It can be accessed by the Forest Falls (South) map, between the portal to Maple Woods (South) and the NPC Weaklegs. This area is a paradise for anglers, featuring multiple fishing nodes and fishing-related NPCs that you can interact with. You’ll also find a new Fish Vendor, Fishsticks, who offers the same fishing materials as Tania, ensuring you’re fully stocked for your adventures.

  • It is mentioned in the quest dialogue that Kast and Meela are trying to research every fish in Aetera.
  • After completing the last quest step, Kast alludes to the existence of mythical fish.

"We have reason to believe that there are a ton of unidentified species we haven't learned of yet! Not to mention, old myths and legends about mythical fish!" - Kast.

Considerations and plans for the future

Ask the Devs! of September 3, 2024:

  • There are plans for cosmetic rewards associated with skills, such as skill capes, epithets throughout the entire progression, and more.
  • The idea of adding side quests that require the delivery of fish and other enemy materials to NPCs was suggested by a player, and the devs said they would talk about the possibility in the future. Edit: The first fish related quest was added on patch 35.0.
  • The plan for the game is to become much more quest focused, with skills being a huge part of it. Fishing will eventually be incorporated into new quests and possibly with the process of unlocking new areas. Edit: A new fishing area was added on patch 35.0.